What does this mean to you and your family? Firstly, remember that your body does not use whatever it cannot recognize as real nutrition. It doesn’t know what to do with this 'franken-food' and begins ‘storing’ it in your organs, bones, joints, etc. Now you know why there is such an increase in cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and other chronic conditions. It is an accumulative effect, so as you age, you think it’s all a part of getting older. But it isn’t!!!
When Haiti was ‘gifted’ with over 4.5 million tons of GMO seed by Monsanto after the earthquake, the Haitians knew better than to plant it and instead, burned it (http://crooksandliars.com/susie-madrak/haitian-farmers-say-no-toxic-monsanto)! India refused Monsanto’s GMO cotton (http://nelsonlife.com/567/french-attack-gmo-grapes-transgenic-canola-found-in-the-wild/). They, too, understand the real dangers! Americans are comatose concerning GMO. They gobble it up like candy and don’t even know it!!! America is Monsanto’s playground...
The great danger is not just your immediate health, but GMO plants will eventually cross-pollinate with real food crops, leaving no pure, real food on the planet! When you see “Non-GMO” on food packaging, why do you think that is? It’s letting you know you’re getting REAL food!
France, India, most of Europe and many other countries, REFUSE to allow GMO in their food crops! But the U.S. population is being inundated with it. Those of you who live right here in Elizabeth City see it every day, you just don’t recognize it. Take a look at the crops with the little signs with numbers on them every 5 or so rows...those are the I.D. numbers for the particular type of seed planted in those rows. They are checked for how fast they each grow, how resistant they are to drought, insects, diseases, etc. These are test crops that will eventually find their way to your plates!
Please, take a few minutes to educate yourself and join the fight to keep America GMO-FREE!!! We all want to age gracefully, with sound minds and healthy bodies. But that will NEVER happen if we don't follow the lead of other countries. We MUST NOT continue to allow our future generations to eat franken-food.
From nelsonlife.com:
Unlike much of the modern world, at least the French have not lost their revolutionary spirit. This past weekend a group of about 60 anti-GMO protestors succeeded in destroying a ‘secure’ test field of GMO grapes at the Colmar unit of l’Institut national de recherche agronomique (Inra). This was the second such attack on the same transgenic grapes test site, and appears to have been stirred by a 4-year renewal of the test permit, after all its 4-year-old vines were cut by protestors last year.
“Pitching tents in the rain near France’s National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA) site in Colmar the night before, the group waited until 5 AM before converging on the site and locking the gates behind them. They uprooted all 70 plants, then submitted to arrest.” ( http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2010/08/16/gmo-crop-sabotage-on-the-rise-french-citizens-destroy-gmo-vineyard/ )
The French ministry of the environment, among others, strongly condemmed the action of destroying trials supported by public funding. However, Olivier Florent, speaking for the protestors, told Le Figero that they condemned the use of public funds for open-field testing of GMOs “that we do not want.” ( http://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences-technologies/2010/08/15/01030-20100815ARTFIG00131-des-faucheurs-s-en-prennent-aux-pieds-de-vigne-de-l-inra.php – in French)
The action follows a similar vandalizing last month of two GMO fields in Spain. In that case the activists issued a press release saying “This kind of direct action is the best way to respond to the fait accompli policy through which the Generalitat, the State and the biotech multinationals have been unilaterally imposing genetically modified organisms.”
And where are we in America, Monsanto’s playground and the bastion of genetically mutilated organisms? Indeed, where has the independent spirit of Americans disappeared to?
A few days ago it was reported that researchers had discovered GMO canola in North Dakota that has established itself in the wild. Canola is a member of the Brassica family, to which many common food plants belong, such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and kale — to name a few.
“A University of Arkansas team surveyed countryside in North Dakota for canola. Transgenes were present in 80% of the wild canola plants they found.” ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-10859264 )
It has been almost ten years now since farmers in India protested against GMO cotton, criticizing Monsanto’s monopolistic practices and burning cotton crops. After that it was learned that Bt cotton destroyed soils by killing essential micro-organisms (Bt is a pesticide, GMO-inserted into the DNA of cotton, corn and other crops).
More recently there have been claims that the same toxins from Bt corn in the United States have been found polluting water.
Following the Haiti earthquake earlier this year, Haitian farmers protested against offers by Monsanto to provide GMO ‘terminator’ seeds, which they said would make them dependent on Monsanto because they could not save seeds from such crops.
Meanwhile, in CETA free-trade talks, Canada continues to press the European Union to accept Canadian GMO crops, despite public opposition to them in Europe. There has even been visionary talk of using biotechnology to engineer food crops that embody drugs targeted to the populations that would consumer them.
When will this craziness stop? When will we complacent North Americans turn on our self-defence systems, find a little fighting spirit (like the French), get our butts in gear, and do something about it? Or does anyone care?
Please, take a few minutes to educate yourself and join the fight to keep America GMO-FREE!!! We all want to age gracefully, with sound minds and healthy bodies. But that will NEVER happen if we don't follow the lead of other countries. We MUST NOT continue to allow our future generations to eat franken-food.
From nelsonlife.com:
Unlike much of the modern world, at least the French have not lost their revolutionary spirit. This past weekend a group of about 60 anti-GMO protestors succeeded in destroying a ‘secure’ test field of GMO grapes at the Colmar unit of l’Institut national de recherche agronomique (Inra). This was the second such attack on the same transgenic grapes test site, and appears to have been stirred by a 4-year renewal of the test permit, after all its 4-year-old vines were cut by protestors last year.
“Pitching tents in the rain near France’s National Institute for Agronomic Research (INRA) site in Colmar the night before, the group waited until 5 AM before converging on the site and locking the gates behind them. They uprooted all 70 plants, then submitted to arrest.” ( http://foodfreedom.wordpress.com/2010/08/16/gmo-crop-sabotage-on-the-rise-french-citizens-destroy-gmo-vineyard/ )
The French ministry of the environment, among others, strongly condemmed the action of destroying trials supported by public funding. However, Olivier Florent, speaking for the protestors, told Le Figero that they condemned the use of public funds for open-field testing of GMOs “that we do not want.” ( http://www.lefigaro.fr/sciences-technologies/2010/08/15/01030-20100815ARTFIG00131-des-faucheurs-s-en-prennent-aux-pieds-de-vigne-de-l-inra.php – in French)
The action follows a similar vandalizing last month of two GMO fields in Spain. In that case the activists issued a press release saying “This kind of direct action is the best way to respond to the fait accompli policy through which the Generalitat, the State and the biotech multinationals have been unilaterally imposing genetically modified organisms.”
And where are we in America, Monsanto’s playground and the bastion of genetically mutilated organisms? Indeed, where has the independent spirit of Americans disappeared to?
A few days ago it was reported that researchers had discovered GMO canola in North Dakota that has established itself in the wild. Canola is a member of the Brassica family, to which many common food plants belong, such as cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and kale — to name a few.
“A University of Arkansas team surveyed countryside in North Dakota for canola. Transgenes were present in 80% of the wild canola plants they found.” ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-10859264 )
It has been almost ten years now since farmers in India protested against GMO cotton, criticizing Monsanto’s monopolistic practices and burning cotton crops. After that it was learned that Bt cotton destroyed soils by killing essential micro-organisms (Bt is a pesticide, GMO-inserted into the DNA of cotton, corn and other crops).
More recently there have been claims that the same toxins from Bt corn in the United States have been found polluting water.
Following the Haiti earthquake earlier this year, Haitian farmers protested against offers by Monsanto to provide GMO ‘terminator’ seeds, which they said would make them dependent on Monsanto because they could not save seeds from such crops.
Meanwhile, in CETA free-trade talks, Canada continues to press the European Union to accept Canadian GMO crops, despite public opposition to them in Europe. There has even been visionary talk of using biotechnology to engineer food crops that embody drugs targeted to the populations that would consumer them.
When will this craziness stop? When will we complacent North Americans turn on our self-defence systems, find a little fighting spirit (like the French), get our butts in gear, and do something about it? Or does anyone care?
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